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Namaskaram at Yoga Beyond


Practice traditional spiritual Indian HaTha Yoga in live zoom session directly from India with us

There is this beautiful room inside yourself, a wonderful space where there is everything YOU ARE - freedom, silence, freshness, strength, wisdom and tremendous bliss. The path to this room leads through your body to calm your mind - aligning and going beyond your bodymind..

Awareness is the key.


Join Us

Join us at Yoga Beyond

on our regular yoga journey


Our Schedule

We practice together at these times:

Berlin (GMT + 1)                          Tuesday             Thursday                Saturday

06.00 am

08.00 am

About Us

Our Story and who we are 


Yoga-Beyond emerges from a deep friendship that takes us, Vasu and Sebastian, on a deep journey to ourselves. We practice yoga, mindfulness and meditation together and courageously observe and move beyond -discovering a wonderful glimpse of the abundance of life.

This is what Yoga-Beyond is about.


Our mission is to bring higher awareness to human beings on our planet.

 Here at Yoga-Beyond we guide you and hold a light for you to become a 

conscious traveller on your own journey to yourself

through the practice of yoga, yogic philosophy and knowledge.



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I am a passionate yogi who lives, teaches and practices Raja Yoga from my home base in India.


My grandmother welcomed me to the path of yoga over 25 years ago. Starting my journey as a practitioner, I became a teacher and a humble student of my Gurus. Joining them, I have travelled across the Himalayas for several times now. Even after all these years, I am still deepening my knowledge of Yoga as a practice and a philosophy


The current situation with its severe effects in India affected me deeply. This wake-up call not only strengthened my practice and commitment, but it also deepened my sense of purpose in guiding others through their body-mind to reach their souls. I choose to let go of everything to take you on the journey to yourself.

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I am passionate about creating transformative spaces and holding a light for people to trust, grow and unlock true potential. I create these spaces combining my profound professional and personal experience in facilitation, personal development and mindfulness and my passion for human beings and yoga.


I have lived through a wide variety of intense stages and roles in my life - the last decade being a father to wonderful human beings and enjoying a successful corporate career as an executive coach and facilitator. I had the opportunity to live in many different countries, diverse cultures and contexts and to learn from and with so many wonderful people.


A personal loss hit me deeply, thrusting me into the most painful yet most enlightening journey to myself. Yoga, meditation, wonderful humans and becoming a kind and loving observer of myself helped me to transform this pain into growth and realizing my full potential.


Embarking from my corporate career and following my purpose to develop and grow people I am now on a conscious, self-determined and independent journey.

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